This is the documentation of a durational piece in process on facebook started during the 2020 Corona Virus Quarantine and lasted exactly 1 year. The images are presented here in batches of 50 without the interactive responses (likes, comments) that occurred on its original platform.

HAPPY BiRthday 2 this one

Marking the days while in stuck at home in quarantine, let us look at inspiring individuals from history.


Though not publicly listed, the rules were as followed:

Each day I look up the list of persons born on this day on Wikipedia and pick the earliest name I recognize skewing away from those who held political power and skewing towards demographics more historically left out.

I read more about the individual and their life’s work.

The drawing is sketched in pencil and done in black ink on brown card stock.

One detail on each face is emphasized with white gel pen.

The face is cut out and attached to a piece of 4” wide yellow card stock.

The name and date is written on the card stock below the face.