This is the documentation of a duration piece done on facebook in 2019. The images are presented here, without the interactive responses (likes, comments) that occurred on its original platform. In addition to the rules listed publicly, there was a loose unspoken rule that if more than one day was missed, the project would end. It lasted 145 days

An Everyday Ennead

"Of these adventures, Muse, daughter of Zeus, tell us in our time, lift the great song again." 

an exercise in which I try to make 9 faces each day for 2019.

here are the rules:

1) once a day make 9 faces not related to other work

2) they can be whatever medium and scale, but all 9 have to be consistent

3) they must be made in order. finishing 1 before starting 2, and so on

4) arrange them into a 3 x 3 grid starting at top left and moving across first then to the next row.

5) take a photo and post with materials listed